The Ristic AG is a global seafood supplier. The company’s specialty are shrimps. The products range from raw seafood to barbecue skewers to instant meals. In addition to the retail industry, wholesale business and processing industry are also part of the customer base. Ristic operates in a shrimp processing production plant in Costa Rica.
Overfishing and the use of unsustainable fishing practices have put fish and shrimp stocks in Costa Rica at risk. In order to combat this problem, Ristic has decided to implement a CSR-Project which introduces sustainable fishing policies for ocean and coastal fishing in Costa Rica. Part of the project are an active dialogue with fishermen and collaboration with local fishery authorities as well as science and research. The whole sector shall benefit from the introduction of modern fishing methods and new technologies. Exports of seafood can be enhanced, protection of the seabed is ensured and by-catch is greatly reduced. With support of international associations (IFOAM etc.) the standards implemented at Ristic will be published internationally and serve as an examplary manner for ecological methods in the fishing industry .
In a follow-up project Ristic introduces the ecological shrimp farming in Costa Rica. With the participation of the agricultural industry organic shrimp breeding and production will be introduced. As a result of this commitment, a totally new industry sector will be established. WiN=WiN conceived the project plans, provides on-site experts and accompanies the projects together with komm.passion with a PR campaign.
WiN=WiN effects
The introduction of sustainable fishing practices makes not only a contribution to biodiversity, but project activities also ensure longterm employment and income opportunities for the local population.
Ristic is able to secure a long-term source of imports thanks to the PPP-Project. In addition, organic shrimp farming introduces a new, attractive product which perfectly rounds up the product portfolio of Ristic..